Demands, Complaints, Responses, & Settlements Department of Labor & Employment

payroll debit card

Public Act 390 of 1978, in section 7 states; « . . . an employer shall not deduct from the wages of an employee, directly or indirectly, any amount . . . without the full, free, and written consent of the employee, obtained without intimidation or fear of discharge for refusal to permit the deduction. » If your employer never promised to pay wage supplements, your employer is not required by law to pay them. Your employer did not pay you for all hours worked (including on-the-job training).

A workers’ guide to wage theft: What to do if your boss steals your wages in Pa. – The Philadelphia Inquirer

A workers’ guide to wage theft: What to do if your boss steals your wages in Pa..

Posted: Tue, 15 Nov 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Employers are prohi-bited from taking any action to displace employees in order to hire employees at the youth minimum wage. Also prohibited are partial displacements such as reducing employees’ hours, wages, or employment benefits.

6B-17 Criminal histories relative to employment with local government.

Any political action committee or continuing political committee which elects to solicit employees under the provisions of this act shall annually provide each employee participant with a financial statement indicating disbursement of funds including administrative charges. The political action committee or continuing political committee shall provide space on the payroll deduction authorization document to allow the employee to direct his or her contributions to specific candidates. Such other contributions, deductions and payments as the Commissioner of Labor may authorize by regulation as proper and in conformity with the intent and purpose of this act, if such deductions are approved by the employer. Contributions authorized by employees for organized and generally recognized charities; provided the deductions for such contributions are approved by the employer. For the purposes of this act the officers of a corporation and any agents having the management of such corporation shall be deemed to be the employers of the employees of the corporation.

Discrimination and Harassment at Your Job

If you are experiencing discrimination or harassment at your employer, first inform your manager or the human resources department. If neither help, use these government resources.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination.

Protections Included Under the Law

These laws protect employees and job applicants against:

Discrimination, harassment, and unfair treatment in the workplace by anyone because of:




Sex (including gender identity, transgender status, and sexual orientation)


National origin

Age (40 or older)


Genetic information

Being denied reasonable workplace accommodations for a disability or religious beliefs

Retaliation because they:

Complained about job discrimination

Helped with an investigation or lawsuit

How to File an Employment Discrimination Complaint

To file a complaint, contact your EEOC field office.

Many state and local governments have anti-discrimination laws. These laws…  Ещё

Provide the name and contact information of an individual to whom the employee may direct questions pertaining to statutory rights to continuation of coverage. The acknowledgment in above shall be signed by the employee, in writing or by means of electronic verification, and returned to the employer within 30 days of its receipt. All payments shall be made payable to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development, Wage Collection Trust Fund by certified check or money order in a form suitable to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development. For purposes of this section, a foreign jurisdiction means a sister state or any municipality or other subdivision of a sister state which imposes a tax on the income or wages of nonresidents employed in New Jersey. Where suitable arrangements are not made for the cashing of payroll checks as set forth in above, the employer shall bear the burden of any fee charged to the employee for the cashing of such payroll check.

Minimum Wage/Overtime

Sick leave, vacation pay and severance pay are benefits provided to an employee, allowing them to be paid while not working. Therefore, an employer only has to pay these benefits if he/she has a policy to pay such benefits, or has made a promise or has a contract with you to pay these benefits. The Department enforces an employer’s own rules for these kinds of payments.

prohibit an employer

These supplies most often uniforms and tools needed to perform the job. While this conduct is questionable, it is not necessarily illegal. Generally, employees may not be forced to pay for these things if it causes their wages to fall below minimum wage and overtime rates.


Employees are entitled to receive overtime pay calculated as one and a half times their standard hourly wage for all hours over 40 worked in a week. Some exemptions to this overtime rule apply to public service agencies or to employees who meet certain requirements in accordance to their job duties along with a salary of at least $455 a week. FEDERAL LAW ©Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on, among other things, an individual’s sex. Title VII claims must be filed with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission before they can be brought in court. Remedies under Title VII may include an order restraining unlawful discrimination, back pay, and compensatory and punitive damages. The Equal Pay Act of prohibits discrimination in compensation based on sex. EPA claims can be filed either with the EEOC or directly with the court.

Have an employer benefit policy that excludes you from collecting accrued benefits for a specific reason (e.g. quit without notice). Are owed wages from a government agency, town, county or city. Your rate of pay was lowered without prior notice.

Employers are not required to give breaks for employees 18 and over. If your employer allows breaks, and they last less than 20 minutes, you must be paid for the break. If your employer allows meal periods, the employer is not required to pay you for your meal period if it lasts more than 20 minutes and you do no work during that time. Yes, but any time you work over 8 hours in a single day and/or over 40 hours in a single week, your employer must pay you 1.5 times your hourly or regular wage for those extra hours over 8 and/or over 40 that you worked. If your employer is not paying you that overtime, then you can report wage theft to your local Wage and Hour Administration office. Notwithstanding or , above, if an applicant voluntarily discloses, either orally or in writing, during the initial employment application process, any information regarding the applicant’s criminal record, the employer may make inquiries to anyone, including to the applicant, during the initial employment application process regarding the applicant’s criminal record.

  • The political action committee or continuing political committee shall provide space on the payroll deduction authorization document to allow the employee to direct his or her contributions to specific candidates.
  • If you have not been paid at least minimum wage or you have not been paid overtime, you may file a complaint up to 3 years from the date of the alleged violation.
  • Through an internet or intranet website, if the site is for the exclusive use of all employees, can be accessed by all employees, and the employer provides notice to the employees of its posting.
  • If you wish to file a complaint with the Division, you must fully complete and submit a Labor Standards Complaint Form.
  • Workers and Employers may designate representatives to assist in any aspect of the Division’s complaint process.
  • During the hearing, you and your employer will testify under oath and submit evidence about the claim.

The committee shall notify the How to File a Labor Complaint for an Illegal Payroll Deduction of Labor and Workforce Development when the committee brings the action. The court shall award a prevailing plaintiff in such an action its reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, including expert witness fees. Prior to commencement of an action against a contractor to enforce the responsibility created by subsection a. Of this section, the committee shall provide the contractor and subcontractor that employed the worker with at least 30 days’ notice by first-class mail. C. No employer shall withhold any part of the wages or salaries of any employee except for payroll, wage or withholding taxes or in accordance with law, without the written and signed authorization of the employee. Department of Labor pursuant to § 13 of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. § 213, as amended, establishing an exemption from the Act’s overtime premium pay requirements; the rate of pay; the gross wages earned by the employee during the pay period; and the amount and purpose of any deductions therefrom.
